I'm going to make a start
I have a big problem with writing something that has more than likely been said by someone else. I’m referring here mainly to literary and film criticism, and to an extent genre screenwriting, although that is to be expected. I’m fed up with sitting in a flat that has barely useable wi-fi the majority of the time because it doesn’t make you procrastinate less as you would think but actually makes it worse because as soon as you get a connection you end up watching a YouTube video and forget what you wanted to do in the first place which ends up wasting another twenty minutes of your time. So here we have a blog we created with reasonable intention to do something useful with it. Except of course lack of wi-fi connectivity was forcing us to be very precise with how we went about running this blog. Now I know this is a better excuse than any but I’ve decided to do something productive with it. When you come to think of it, if you’re sitting in a loft and have no intern...